Sometimes we forget about household items that blend into our homes so much they become a part of the scenery. These items collect dust and dirt and can become damaged, faded or discolored in their inactivity. Since we see them every day, gradual changes come about without our noticing.
Guest room items are often overlooked, as many comforters on guest room beds sit in direct sunlight and are rarely noticed.
Trained fabric care professionals like us have the knowledge and equipment to care for your household items so you can enjoy them even longer. Here are some tips you can use to get the most out your household items.
Comforters generally rest atop other blankets and bed coverings. Sooner or later they will acquire a stain or collect enough dust to warrant cleaning. Comforters left in direct sunlight can fade in some areas. It is best to keep comforters out of direct light to prevent damage.
We can process your comforters to get the dust and grime out of them safely. Many comforters will not fit into home washers but fit easily into oversized professional cleaning machines.
Blankets are available in many fibers and construction types, including wool, cotton, acrylic, polyester, and polyurethane. A blanket's construction plays a direct role in its thermal qualities and should be cleaned to protect its ability to contain heat. Our team is skilled in the methods of cleaning blankets to preserve their heat-retaining qualities and appearance.
The best way to prevent excessive damage or fading is to rotate a few different blankets or comforters periodically, or with the seasons. If possible, keep them out of direct light to minimize fading. This will not only brighten the look of your home, but it will ensure that you get the most mileage out of your household items.
Information Courtesy of the Dry Cleaning & Laundry Institute